Risk Management

Effective Risk Management is a fundamental to all businesses and other organisations. Good governance is seen as an important attribute in all organisations. Social responsibility to make sure staff are in no danger. The organisation works with the community to give good service or products. Brands are protected and enhanced. This can only be achieved if risk management is taken seriously by the board, management and staff.

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Internal Audit

When was the last time your business was given an independent review? Working inside a business can cloud issues for various reasons. Why are your key staff policies for example. Why is it your are having high turnover of staff, or cannot get good employees?

What are you financial controls like? Since the change of the key employee left six months ago?  An independent assessment will at least give you comfort that all is well in the business.

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Industrial Research

Brmmi has undertaken a number of industrial research projects. It is important when new projects are planned adequate research is undertaken so that funds are not spent on non viable projects.

Many projects have started without a complete and detailed analysis of the market for the goods or services. This has result in major losses that are unable to be recovered or used in other areas.

Dr Malcolm Freeman has extensive experience in research, firstly with his Phd and more recently with industrial clients.

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Service to SME's

With the three major areas of service. Brmmi can give clients value for money that the larger professional organisations cannot. With low overheads we know how SME's operate and very dollar counts.

While we may not know all the answers, we can at least head you in the right direction. Business is becoming more competitive, clients more demanding and cost pressure are always on the increase. Old systems and processes are no longer accepted and consumers are demand better service, better products at cheap prices. We have to work smarter, quicker and give what the consumer wants to be a success.


What you should do next

Give me a call, anytime and we can discuss what Brmmi can offer and help you with your business goals